CJW CAPITAL is an independent investment advisory firm that provides customized investment management services to individual and institutional investors.
Three Pillars
1. Fiduciary Responsibility: We make all investment recommendations and decisions based on your best interests. We are not affiliated with any broker-dealers from whom we would collect commission on the sale of an investment product, and we use an open-architecture format for your portfolio that does not restrict you to investing in funds from only a single company.
2. Tailored Service: There are a lot of investment choices available to you, and a lot of information and research about investments. CJW Capital helps you sort through all the information that’s available so that you understand your investment choices. We customize an investment strategy specific to your needs and future goals.
3. Transparency: You can monitor your investment portfolio at any time, and we offer regular meetings with you to discuss the performance of your investment portfolio and progress toward meeting your financial goals.